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 Sujet du message: Re: MISTRAL 2013
MessagePosté: 24 Aoû 2015, 08:10 
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Inscription: 10 Fév 2014, 14:43
Messages: 566
Et les Mistral 2014, elles vont sortir avant 2020?

 Sujet du message: Re: MISTRAL 2013
MessagePosté: 24 Aoû 2015, 12:27 
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Inscription: 30 Oct 2009, 14:26
Messages: 1003
Localisation: Belgique
JC33 a écrit:
Et les Mistral 2014, elles vont sortir avant 2020?

Si c'est pour sortir un modèle chaque année en trafiquant les cut-out et faire croire que ça ira mieux que le modèle précédent... D'autres font ça très bien. :wink:

Dernière édition par mistral4u le 27 Nov 2015, 08:06, édité 1 fois.

 Sujet du message: Re: MISTRAL 2013
MessagePosté: 24 Aoû 2015, 19:37 
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Inscription: 01 Mar 2014, 11:22
Messages: 438
Les planches sont bonnes faut juste etre patient ^^

39,47 kt bzh nord

 Sujet du message: Re: MISTRAL 2013
MessagePosté: 19 Sep 2015, 13:04 
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Inscription: 05 Nov 2004, 12:30
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Localisation: Rennes, Saint-Malo, Lorient
Éolus Le Sage a écrit:
C'est quoi les CI Giu ?
Chris Lockwood fins ;)

F195 - Mes feedbacks
Flotteurs : Exocet, Tabou, Goya | Voiles : S2Maui | Ailerons : Tectonics, Deboichet, Z Fins, MFC

Vends MauiSails carbone 190-240 + ailerons de slalom

 Sujet du message: Re: MISTRAL 2013
MessagePosté: 22 Nov 2015, 09:21 
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Inscription: 15 Fév 2006, 15:15
Messages: 1251
No time to read my old comments about the 137 but wanted share (once more) how much happyness this board brings to me.
Never ever owned something AS GOOD with the 9.5 as with the 7.0!!!! It could sounds BS or it could make you think I'm a GLO.Not the case.
State that after really many sessions with this board in all condiditions: racing,freeriding,flat water,rough water,underdone,overpowered,alone,with the crew.Sails from 9.5 to 7.0, being the 7.0 for a too specialized use. Fins from 46 to 38.
This board makes me disapper the fear before a difficult session,when you don't know the right sail to rig because the wind is gusting strong or is gonna increase. That's why it seems to be ALWAYS the right size for given condition! Never felt too big or too small! Never got the board nose in my face because over powered and never got in trouble gybing in 25 kts . What amazed me is that it easily PERFORMS as good as 10-15 cm smaller baords. Many times I ask myself when the 112 is required!
Plus it's solid as rock. Don't need to be care if it's choppy. Scoop rocker line is still there as first day. Ok,it's net the best board to bring on the beach from the car (1,5 kg heavier than Others). But who cares if it touch the water super smoothly and has no loss at the end of the session. Sometimes I think I'd liked something lighter for 10 kts (which is not a problem for planning) but don't know if I want to find myself again with construction problems... Just gonna buy a new dedicated 46/47 and gonna enjoy another season with.

 Sujet du message: Re: MISTRAL 2013
MessagePosté: 27 Déc 2015, 22:47 
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Inscription: 01 Mar 2014, 11:22
Messages: 438
Slt quel aileron fonctionne sous la 112 en 7,1 et 7,9 attention je pèse 95kg merci

39,47 kt bzh nord

 Sujet du message: Re: MISTRAL 2013
MessagePosté: 27 Déc 2015, 23:52 
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Inscription: 15 Fév 2006, 15:15
Messages: 1251
Tribal powermax
Lockwood sl2

Sizes are up to you but at my weight I use sl2 34 / 7.0 steady wind, 38 / 7.8 light gusty (I prefer 7.8 with 137 about anyway). Gonna get a new 36 for the 7.8 / 112.

112 is less fin sensitive compared to the 137 and I liked it with z sl38 and boss 36. But as long I use the sl2 I'd never go back.

P.s in my opinion the 112 is super even with the 6.4 / 32 . No speed / control loss compared to smaller boards....

 Sujet du message: Re: MISTRAL 2013
MessagePosté: 28 Déc 2015, 20:28 
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Inscription: 01 Mar 2014, 11:22
Messages: 438
But 34 With 7,0 it's smaller...
With 7,8 i meet 40 or 42 and 7,0 36/38

39,47 kt bzh nord

 Sujet du message: Re: MISTRAL 2013
MessagePosté: 28 Déc 2015, 21:09 
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Inscription: 15 Fév 2006, 15:15
Messages: 1251
CL's have more (usable) power than Z's. At my 80 kg I have no problem with that combo (remaining in its correct range). I love using 38/137/7.8...

P.s. CL himself uses 38 as biggest size for that board (7.8 light air). He's taller and heavier than me

 Sujet du message: Re: MISTRAL 2013
MessagePosté: 28 Déc 2015, 22:20 
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Inscription: 01 Mar 2014, 11:22
Messages: 438
Ok giu,

39,47 kt bzh nord

 Sujet du message: Re: MISTRAL 2013
MessagePosté: 10 Jan 2016, 20:57 
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Inscription: 01 Mar 2014, 11:22
Messages: 438
Test de la 112 ce jour dans 14/25kt avec un muf 36 en 7,0 et 7,9
La planche se prend facilement en main départ au planning canon grâce à la longueur..Le passage du clapot est une formalité , le travers top , a l'abbattee elle envoie.. Le seul point un peu plus difficile c'est le départ Il ne faut pas forcer il faut légèrement se redresser pour faire mordre le rail et après c'est top...

39,47 kt bzh nord

 Sujet du message: Re: MISTRAL 2013
MessagePosté: 10 Jan 2016, 22:55 
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Inscription: 16 Mar 2008, 19:54
Messages: 731
Localisation: BREST

vmax log 2s : 41.1
v 500 : 35.8

 Sujet du message: Re: MISTRAL 2013
MessagePosté: 25 Jan 2016, 21:08 
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Inscription: 01 Mar 2014, 11:22
Messages: 438
darkfury11 a écrit:
berthali a écrit:
Tu avais quoi comme aileron sur la 113 Gilles?
As tu pu tester le comportement en plage haute?

Salut , en aileron c etait du gasoil chr
en plage haute avec 7.8 cest a dire 25 knots dans les rafales la planche garde son assiette et sa douceur avec une acceleration constante tres progressive mais qui baisse pas sur le temps on dirait que si tu te cale à 35 knots la planche reste à 35 knots elle garde sa vitesse, c est tres bizare comme sensation, il semblerait que les molles ne fassent rien sur cette board.
En esperant avoir repondu à ta question bises
gilles 696

Je confirme passage clapot top et ça décélère glisse est incroyable

39,47 kt bzh nord

 Sujet du message: Re: MISTRAL 2013
MessagePosté: 01 Fév 2016, 09:42 
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Inscription: 15 Fév 2006, 15:15
Messages: 1251
Yesterday another 137 happy day.
My aim was test back to back 137 / jp 71. It can sound odd but it's not... ...part of the 137 range overlaps the narrower range of the jp 71. It can be common with other 80/82 cm wide boards, but I wanted to see how much I'd gonna loose along the wind rise.

Started the day in gusty 14 kts, flat water side wind. According with a friend advice I put my CL 38 on the 71 and the e7 8.6. Planning was not a problem and the sail was never too big for the board. But to easy keep going you want always the wind ON. The fin was very good and no need for a bigger one. Slowly the wind increased up to 18 kts (with stronger gusts). It started to be hairy for me and the combo. I'd liked the 7.8 then. Or else would be interesting test a smaller CL...
To have a back up I gave my 137 a go...
Just put my Z 40 and off I go. Have I say it seemed a new (wonderful) world?! Wind was flirting with 25 kts (my 70kg buddy -very good level- was flat out with the falcon 110/7.8/38) meaning it was 20 kts as base. While drag racing with him I held on 80% of the leg but he used to gain some space in the final part of long legs. According to him it was already a succes for me stay comfy in that condition. Comparing the Z sf with the CL I noticed it's worse while gybing. With 250 board lenght it's not a secondary priority...

Anyway, comparing final tracks of the JP and beginning tracks of the M° GPS said I was faster with the M°. To be honest the feeling wasn't that as JP rides freer and is lighter and narrower. I was sure JP acceleration would be faster and stronger but (FOR ME) it wasn't the case. Off course I'd need more time on the JP to have a better comparison but I just wanted to post my experience.

 Sujet du message: Re: MISTRAL 2013
MessagePosté: 02 Avr 2016, 09:12 
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Inscription: 01 Mar 2014, 11:22
Messages: 438
Après plusieurs sessions. En 7,1 et 7,9 aileron mur 36 src
La planche est calée au dessus du plan d'eau elle passe le clapot très facilement. Au grand largué abbattu écrasé le clapot donc on passe plus facilement grâce au tri concave .
Le cap se fait sans difficulté avec le 36

En 7,1 dans 20/27 et 38 c3 planche est tjs aussi facile... Une petite zone de flat et hop 33,35kt dans un confort impressionnant.

Ce qui en ressort planche facile à régler et douce pour les articulations.

39,47 kt bzh nord

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