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 Sujet du message: Ka Race 2021
MessagePosté: 18 Mar 2021, 09:00 
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Inscription: 15 Fév 2006, 15:15
Messages: 1254
Got the new sails early november 2020 but lockdown first and injury later didn't allow me to score many sessions with them.
My body and mind shape are not yet perfect so my input to the stuff used might not be the needed one. So please, so far, read my comments as "work in progress".

At the moment I got 2 x 7.7 and 2 x 7.0 sessions. Used both sizes with M°112 (before injury) and IS 72 2021 (later).

The 2021 has shorter specs compared to the previous 8 battens model. Despite it looks "little belly" when on the ground somehow the power is there. The whole sail surface works to supply a good amount of torque, being never unfair or too much for the sailor body.
You have the power to quickly get going as well as the good ability to accelerate from standing still (I noticed that while drag racing with my usual buddies using the beasts of other brands).

Classic for the Ka Race, the point of pressure is super locked between both hands (just in front of the sailor). Sail is super stable, also in very strong poweful gusts, yet soft touch (luckly for my tastes less than 8 battens). Despite I've missed the right DH it never really got a crazy bull in the arena. In the future I'll make sure to add 1,5 cm to the DH.

When it comes to the ability to score good GPS numbers I can't really comment. So far, during my last session (using for the first time the IS 72/7.0/36 combo), I was not too far from good old days. It means either the sail is no worse than the old one but also I was a pussy earlier !!! ahahaha
Anyway, the OZ people seem to enjoy the sails during their Lake George or Albany sessions.

Handling is now another level. The higher ratio outline makes for shorter boom and super easy and agile gybing. Cams rotations is ok (I think it will be perfect once the sails will be stretched).

Thanks to the great sail balance I easily could get an endurance session to increase my fit.

To be continued...

 Sujet du message: Re: Ka Race 2021
MessagePosté: 19 Avr 2021, 09:39 
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Inscription: 15 Fév 2006, 15:15
Messages: 1254
ok, not yet strong, powerful and solid as i was before the injury, yesterday got a windy session (20-25 kts) in the rough using my IS 72/Kar7.7/Tribal mk2 37 . I still have a little bit of fear to really push the envelope and bear off as hell as i often have the catapult in front of my eyes, but both the sail and the fin supported me in marvellous way.
Load of power yet "light" in the hands. NEVER unbalanced and unstable. The REAL carbon battens (n.3 to n.6) steadily lock the shape and you never feel "pu the back harm "pumping". For sure the DH needs to be crancked all the way (maybe even more) to have the right release, or else it may be a sail too much full and slow.
I really appreciate how the rig enter the gybes, mantaining the right amount of drive but being super light during the momentum. Cams rotate super easy and you get a sudden power to motor you up for good acceleration.


 Sujet du message: Re: Ka Race 2021
MessagePosté: 17 Mai 2021, 07:40 
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Inscription: 15 Fév 2006, 15:15
Messages: 1254
Finding body form and confidence to push after the injury is taking time. But the new Kar are helping me A LOT. Most of the times (if not ALWAYS) they are super balanced and, in my feeling, they can suit ANY sailing style. They are REALLY as powerful as mainstream brands (when you learn how to feel that power), somehow more direct (!!) and NEVER pull you off your stance while sheeting in. The H/A is a real plus when you enter and execute a gybe. You almost round the corner in a tile (if you want to). Just take the right time to find the correct DH setting.
Congratz KA team.

 Sujet du message: Re: Ka Race 2021
MessagePosté: 21 Aoû 2021, 08:02 
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Inscription: 15 Fév 2006, 15:15
Messages: 1254
KAR 8.5.

Very very tunable. From super powerful and good enough for 11 kts to "comfy" maniable in 20+ kts.
Setting is crucial. When you spot it on sail gets very very fast and slippery. Absolutely same level with other brands regarding any sailing aspect. But KA are (in my opinion) better built to last longer

KAR 7.7

This is a bit more complicated (to me). Struggled to find either the right DH setting (now it's ok) and good conditions! Well, to be honest, sometime i missed to rig it in favor of the 7.0, but did the wrong choice...
It has no big brutal power but it motor me up very easy. It's more "finesse". I think this is because there are a good amount of sail surface below the boom and a tighter leech. Compared to old 8 battens KAR model, the new 7 battens has the pressure point much more close to the mast. Less back hand. But you never will miss some power. I think (just my opinion) it's a bit smaller compared to same size other brand sails, so its range is a bit different. It's possible to use it in smaller mid size boards not being "too big". At the end of the day, the few times i has it rightly settled in good conditions i was satisfied.

KAR 7.0

Yeah. in my KA experience this size has always been a flaghship. I use to rig it when the wind really blows (not hauling). Soft touch but never "weak". Pressure point is always super locked. Back hand never "pumps". Leech twist is crazy good and never "flappy". The stedier the better. Despite the 200 cm boom length it copes great with my Isonic 72. Bonus comes in gybes.
Not much to say. Great great sail.

KAR 6.3

PLEASE DON'T change it anymore!! Absolutely loving it!

ps. as i'm KA (proud) ambassador my ratings may sound biased. Probably yes, sometimes they may be (for milion reasons). BUT, i get my satisfaction when i let them in my friernds hands to personally test. The often (if not always) back with a smile in their faces, saying "maybe one day..." . Then they get back their stuff and faces are more stressed...


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