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 Sujet du message: Neil Pryde SLR 2022
MessagePosté: 20 Mar 2022, 09:51 
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Inscription: 15 Fév 2006, 15:15
Messages: 1251 ... 2798309399

It seems (so far) they miss a (very) small wing size?
2 different fuselage lenghts suggested according with the wing used

 Sujet du message: Re: Neil Pryde SLR 2022
MessagePosté: 01 Juil 2022, 12:37 
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Inscription: 19 Jan 2009, 22:58
Messages: 333
Localisation: Arcachon
3 wings 515/670/850 cm2 and 2 tail wings 175/194 cm2 ( see bottom page )

But on another official page, SLR wings are different 434/620/800


I am also wondering if the 2020 racing mast can be use with the new fuselage connexion... seems very similar on paper.

Flikka 140 215x80
Loft Skyblade 8m verte
Pryde F4 Racing 2020 ailes S et M

 Sujet du message: Re: Neil Pryde SLR 2022
MessagePosté: 05 Juil 2022, 14:05 
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Inscription: 15 Fév 2006, 15:15
Messages: 1251
What are the differences with the f4 2022?
Anybody has tested the NP?

 Sujet du message: Re: Neil Pryde SLR 2022
MessagePosté: 14 Aoû 2022, 14:50 
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Inscription: 21 Nov 2011, 18:34
Messages: 117
Recherche désespérément également des infos sur ce foil...

 Sujet du message: Re: Neil Pryde SLR 2022
MessagePosté: 13 Juin 2023, 13:53 
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Inscription: 15 Fév 2006, 15:15
Messages: 1251
One of my buddy did buy this foil with the 70 cm front wing.
Now he misses some power from the foil and would like to get a bigger wing.
Hard to find some both used and new.

Is it possible to use the F4 wings? Or..?

 Sujet du message: Re: Neil Pryde SLR 2022
MessagePosté: 16 Juin 2023, 17:02 
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Inscription: 21 Nov 2011, 18:34
Messages: 117
Salut, j'ai réussi enfin à avoir le foil complet et bientôt le fuselage 95. J'ai testé l'aile 90 sur ma ahd 91 et 9m. Surprenant on sent le mat prendre du flex et se caler pour ne plus bouger. Le comportement de l'ensemble est très sain facile à maîtriser. Il faut prévoir des cales 3d pour braquer le stab. L'aile de 80 est dans la même veine que la 90. On se retrouve vite à de bonnes vitesses sans forcer. Au jibe on garde suffisamment de portance. Ce foil peut très bien convenir pour du freerace et plus pour un pro. La finition est très propre. Les ajustements sont parfaits.

 Sujet du message: Re: Neil Pryde SLR 2022
MessagePosté: 01 Sep 2023, 10:17 
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Inscription: 27 Jan 2014, 21:03
Messages: 156

I've just bought this NP SLR foil with 4 wings (900-800-700-700 -proto A2- very small- )-2 stab and fuselage 105 and 95.

It's super fast and esay to use. Stiffer than my previos NP evo (blue one) and effortlessly much faster.

I have not tried the proto from A2 yet but the profil seems extremely slim for high speed.

I find the biggest fuselage a bit too powerfull for my weight and sailling expectation as well as the 900. I might get ride of it to concentrate on high wind for high speed.

I am looking forward to testing the 2 stabs and compare the speed.

Well this NP is a great toy to keep buddies way behind. I love it... stay tune for more info on my feeling on that foil.

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