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 Sujet du message: Speed foil board
MessagePosté: 10 Mai 2024, 08:25 
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Inscription: 15 Fév 2006, 15:15
Messages: 1250
When you want (and are able to) just speeding up in medium to strong wind (steady 17/18 kts up) with no stress to quickly take off (as the wind is already full on) and no stress to score any gybe (because you're not into that), what kind of board shape and specs it must be?

If you're already full on with a 6.2 (or even better with 5,2 or 4,3) and want to blast staying (safely) strapped with both feet and the aim is to be as fast as possible, you want 75-78 cm board or 70-73 cm board? Why?

What's if you use a 71 cm "speed foil" board (tail width similar to the AHD Compact 72, shorter overall length, dedicated front hull shape) ?

I frequently read that very short nose makes for bad recovery when touch down but this should be addressed with a more extreme front hull design...

In my opinion, for the aim i'm referring to, a narrower board (vs the 78 cm) might work if used with current medium and small front wings, as they are now a tiny shorter (still H/A but a bit less compared to the 2022 designs). New 530 cmq (or similar) is now 74 cm long instead of 590 cmq 80 cm long. Most important the new 410 cmq is 60 cm long instead of previous 400 cmq 70 cm cm long.

To be honest i still don't really figure if (still for the aim i'm referring to) you want (relatively) wide or narrow tails and narrow or wide back straps stance. I mean, in my opinion the more in the center the better the confort but not sure this is also fast when needed.

When it comes to narrow board i think that even the sail A/R influences a lot the good match with a short and narrow board. I think you want short boom to have the best balance possible. But i might be wrong...

Does the new designs "aero stuff" really matter?
I think the shape refinements are cool but is the speed high enough to activate the aero?
Please don't take this as a stupid comment but it could be intersting to chat a bit about that.

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