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 Sujet du message: Re: Went foiling, and....
MessagePosté: 09 Mar 2022, 05:56 
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Inscription: 26 Avr 2012, 17:29
Messages: 849
Bonne chance Giu, mon conseil utilise l'aile 800 (pas la 550) et une voile la plus petite possible.
Le border/choquer bien droit sur la planche c'est comme ça que j'ai appris et au bout de 10 sessions cette mauvaise habitude disparaît tout seule pour redevenir du border/border comme en windsurf :D

1m84, 75kg
Tabou Airride 81
F4 Slalom Bundle, Race 945
Avanti Icarus 5.5 7.5

Fanatic Skywing 5'4 2022
Allure Kiwi 85cm 1000glide 800glide stab 36
Duotone Unit v2 3.0 4.5 6.5

 Sujet du message: Re: Went foiling, and....
MessagePosté: 26 Mar 2022, 14:35 
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Inscription: 15 Fév 2006, 15:15
Messages: 1248
Ok ok, 2 days foiling in a row! (to force myself to foil i just put the foil gear in the van like "whatever it takes!)

Same set up (AHD 83/Kar 6,3/800/250/90 evo/1,5 mm/130 cm), same wind direction, 2 different spots (little chop cross on; big chop coming from side). In my view wind was in the range 10-15 kts, patchy. At times i could water start.

Slowly i'm gaining the sustained flight (off course i still explode sometime, but not that much as earlier sessions).
Past season i spent my sessions to overcome the catapult fear using the fin (remember, I was close to passing by...). Now i'm trying to do that while foiling.
For that reason i tend to rig smaller than it'd need. Still, because of that, i tend to find the balance with my weight too much in the front = i foil low (but clear from water surface). Still, using the 6,3, my boom has fixed (very long) lines which result too long for the amount of power i got from the sail/i'm good to apply to the foil and for my poor level. Today i had promised myself to raise the boom height up but...
Anyway. I feel i'm "balanced" with the rear foot unstrapped and in front of the rear strap. When i tried to strap it up it was like power disappeared. Should i place the front footstraps a bit after? Or should i place the mast base a little bit after? Should i use a longer fuselage? (the real answer probably is "rig a bit bigger sail").

Dealing with the chop was a real struggle! I did up/down with the "fesse serrè"! I badly tryied to hinge at the waist and keep a steady leg pressure on the board.

 Sujet du message: Re: Went foiling, and....
MessagePosté: 04 Avr 2022, 16:08 
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Inscription: 28 Nov 2009, 23:44
Messages: 136
Localisation: San Francisco
giu a écrit:
Ok ok, 2 days foiling in a row! (to force myself to foil i just put the foil gear in the van like "whatever it takes!)

Dealing with the chop was a real struggle! I did up/down with the "fesse serrè"! I badly tryied to hinge at the waist and keep a steady leg pressure on the board.

Congratulations. I gave up foiling after 6-7 tries, because I could not deal with the horrible learning curve. Just terrified. Longest flight maybe 100 meters. I still have the equipment, a Flikka and Moses 790 that nobody wants to buy because almost everybody in the San Francisco Bay Area moved to winging. I do look with envy at my two friends who are still foiling, They are doing great, but it took them years to get there.

If the wind is over 15 knots I see no advantage with foil, but under that the advantage is large. Even in high winds foil seems to work a treat. Yesterday I was out in 27-29 knots gusts with a 3.7 (I am 70Kg), and my friend (100 Kg) with a 3.3 and Moses 720. He was having a blast ... although he stopped after a while because it was too much and needed a 2.5. So keep it up!

 Sujet du message: Re: Went foiling, and....
MessagePosté: 04 Avr 2022, 17:02 
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Inscription: 12 Fév 2006, 23:38
Messages: 8182
Localisation: Alsace + Limousin
It's like riding a bicycle.
You first walk a few meters before the instability and you are unable to correct and stay upright.
Then you learn to come back to a stable position, and you extend your reach...
It's not linear at all. 10m/100m you are between first flight and re-stabilization. Once you are able to do 500m, you are able to do 5km in the same day.
It took me 10 to 15 sessions to get there. You're not that far, keep going :)

Matos lac et vent faible, 100% foil même si je pourrais compléter avec une freeride 115 litres pour le fort et une wing pour le très très light.
Flotteurs : IQFoil / Slant 133 / ex-proto Horue Flikka
Foils : SB Team Set + IQ
Voiles : freeraces 2 - 3 cam de 5.9 à 9.0
1.86 m - 100 kg

 Sujet du message: Re: Went foiling, and....
MessagePosté: 04 Avr 2022, 19:22 
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Inscription: 22 Aoû 2005, 19:19
Messages: 1626
Agree with FiFi. 10-15 sessions and it's done.

Maybe your gear can be horribly tuned, that could be the key of instability. Try to get tips from good foilers to setup your gear.

 Sujet du message: Re: Went foiling, and....
MessagePosté: 28 Avr 2022, 06:56 
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Inscription: 15 Fév 2006, 15:15
Messages: 1248
new foil session after 1 month...

Same usual gear (Compact 83/kar 7.7 130 cm/X 800-250-3°/1,5 mm) 8- 13 kts .
This time i've raised the boom by 4 cm than usual.

I feel satisfied i never really crashed more than once but this could also mean i didn't push myself (and the gear) out of the confort zone!
Trying to find the right way (for givem condition) to take off i'm now trying to get planning and then off in the air. Compared to first times when i didn't use the tail wing shim it seems more difficult to obtain the right momentum. But it may be just my feeling.
As soon i'm flying i tend to stay too far forward and easily kill the flight. Tried to sort that out putting myself more straight and centered but, somehow, i'm not succeeding. It's like i often apply less leverage to sustain the flight. I think this is why i'm trying to figure out what's the right balance and move when a gust hits and not get ejected...
This is absolutely my personal problem as my friend tested my gear and was ok

Wind died and i couldn't try again what i wanted to.

 Sujet du message: Re: Went foiling, and....
MessagePosté: 28 Avr 2022, 12:19 
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Inscription: 22 Aoû 2005, 19:19
Messages: 1626
I think it's a defensive stance, absolutely normal when you begin.
At my beginning I was always masttrack full forward to avoid fear of foil exit.

Then with confidence, you go backward.
But maybe in this session the wind was too weak to obtain a sustained flight.

If you often have to push rear to keep the flight, maybe you could put the straps a bit back.

 Sujet du message: Re: Went foiling, and....
MessagePosté: 04 Juin 2022, 14:56 
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Inscription: 15 Fév 2006, 15:15
Messages: 1248
Yeah, finally the local foil season started.
Where I sail this means 2 hrs 9-12 kts.

Compact 83 (with no rear footsraps) - kar 7.7 - Phantom X (800-250-90 evo . 1,5 tail shim - 3°) - mast base 130 cm - boom height very high

Slowly I'm gaining confidence to clear the hull and got quite a few sustained flights. Just 1 true "satelliteization" (ok ok, i should read that as i've not pushed enough!)


as soon as i'm in flight mode i feel i'm too much in the front and i struggle to keep the nose high. It's like i kill all the power.
So i started to stand more vertical and a bit more in the back of the board. Rear leg was really unbalanced while was searching the right spot on the deck. I also put my hands a bit more back in the boom. This helped a lot but i feel i'm not balanced in the system. I mean, it's like the sail is too far forward vs the hands placement

Is it possible 130 cm mast base is too far forward?
Is it possible the front footstraps are way too much in front of the board?
Is it possible 1,5 cn tail shim is too much for that kind of wind vs my ability/board speed?
Is it possible 3° is too much (related to what i have written above) ?

Thx for your help

 Sujet du message: Re: Went foiling, and....
MessagePosté: 04 Juin 2022, 15:57 
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Inscription: 25 Mai 2015, 21:08
Messages: 947
Since we have pretty much same equipment i would suggest you theses settings

Mast 128
Front footstraps 3/4 hole on the way forward
Shim 1,5 with 250 rear wing
Boom height middle

We dont have the same fuselage ok but it should be pretty much same

175cm x 74kg
Sky Wing 5'0 (75 litres)
Duotone Unit v3 5'5 - 4'0 - 3'0
AFS Performer 1450 - 1250 - 950 - 750

 Sujet du message: Re: Went foiling, and....
MessagePosté: 06 Juin 2022, 12:46 
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Inscription: 15 Fév 2006, 15:15
Messages: 1248
Tavish a écrit:
Since we have pretty much same equipment i would suggest you theses settings

Mast 128
Front footstraps 3/4 hole on the way forward
Shim 1,5 with 250 rear wing
Boom height middle

We dont have the same fuselage ok but it should be pretty much same

Yeah, tested and approved.
Balance is now very good and system reactions are much more predictable.

 Sujet du message: Re: Went foiling, and....
MessagePosté: 17 Juin 2022, 08:26 
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Inscription: 15 Fév 2006, 15:15
Messages: 1248
8 foilng sessions done.

Same kit and settings as last times.

Finally I managed to sustain the flight most of the times. Sometimes low (but clear from water surface) and sometimes higher (as it should be).
As I'm currently foiling in 8-11 kts (with gusts no stronger than 13/14 kts) and as I use only my kar 7.7, sometimes i feel i have no or too much power! I mean, i struggle to keep the power as constant as possible. Plus, with the setting i'm using, i feel my kit very "back foot", as i have to place my back leg very far back to finally have a the hull really clear. But this results in a very funny/ugly stance. When i'm still on the board flying it's like the sail is very far from me (but note i'm not yet hooked 100% of the flight time).

For what i feel I should:

- reduce the tail wing shim?
- place the front footstraps a little more back?
- hook some more and apply more power to the system?
- use a longer fuselage?
- use a bigger front wing?


 Sujet du message: Re: Went foiling, and....
MessagePosté: 17 Juin 2022, 09:06 
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Inscription: 22 Aoû 2005, 19:19
Messages: 1626
You are probably underpowered.
Is it better at 13/14 knots or no ?

If you fly unhooked, it is normal to be unstable/ugly, because nothing is blocked, but no stress, you need to gain confidence.
Straps position need to be balanced at the moment, as you don't know which setting is fair.

You can try to use a more powered foil kit for the moment.
-bigger wing
-bigger tail and/or less shim

-masttrack back until you feel balanced on your feet

Then hook and accelerate, and ajust the masttrack :
-if you dive on gusts, masttrack back again
-if you become front foot, masttrack forward

Then you can adjust the power of the foil by adjusting shims, and put a smaller wing.
If you are on a smaller wing, you may need a more powered tail.

 Sujet du message: Re: Went foiling, and....
MessagePosté: 24 Juin 2022, 13:30 
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Inscription: 15 Fév 2006, 15:15
Messages: 1248
True, foiling enriches the TOW big times. I’m at the point I want some day off.. ..too old for this s….t

However. Slowly figuring what to do/when. Mostly foiling in 8-11 kts for short sessions, as this kind of wind usually lasts 1h or so.

New in the setting is the 1 mm tail shim.

Now take off is easier and quicker (but I’m also a bit more confident).
To sustain the flight my back foot goes almost off the the tail end. This seems true if I place it in the center or slightly offset. It seems that if I simulate the foot strap placement it goes better. Next time I’ll put the rear foot straps in.
Whit this struggle it ends up foiling mostly unhooked as there’s no way to find the right balance when hooked.
I’ve figured out that I need to push the tail from above and not side way like with the fin…

Bring on tomorrow

 Sujet du message: Re: Went foiling, and....
MessagePosté: 28 Juil 2022, 08:18 
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Inscription: 15 Fév 2006, 15:15
Messages: 1248
Les températures très chaudes des derniers mois ont empêché les classiques brises saisonnières de souffler régulièrement. En effet, presque tous les jours à des heures différentes et imprévisibles, nous avons eu une brise asthmatique entre 7 et 11 nœuds. S'il n'y avait pas l'humidité élevée, la transpiration exagérée, le risque de faire griller l'arbre au soleil, les personnes qui rendent l'accès à la mer complexe et qui arrivent souvent dans l'eau lorsque le vent a décidé de collaborer, je pourrais disons que maintenant le nombre de fois avec le foil serait déjà suffisant pour discuter de quelque chose...
En écoutant les conseils de certains d'entre vous j'ai jeté mon coeur par-dessus l'obstacle et je me suis mis à l'eau même avec les 15 nœuds "hurlants" !
Je pourrais dire que je me suis habitué presque complètement à la hauteur et au vol soutenu mais je serais inexact. Dans le sens où quand cela arrive (ça dépend de la force du vent), malheureusement je ne suis JAMAIS accroché au trapèze. Remarquez, non pas que je n'essaie pas de l'être, mais à chaque fois je me retrouve à compromettre le vol. Comme je l'ai dit à d'autres occasions, je ne suis pas capable (et je ne comprends pas comment m'y prendre) de donner l'accélérateur pendant que je suis accro. Quand j'utilise l'aileron c'est tout à fait naturel mais il me semble qu'en foil les mêmes "mouvements" ne donnent pas les mêmes résultats.
Pour le moment j'utilise la bôme assez haute et les lignes de trapèze assez longues, afin de rendre l'accrochage et le décrochage un peu plus facile et plus sûr. Je ne peux probablement pas atteindre rapidement les vitesses cibles adéquates et, par conséquent, je suis toujours redevable de quelque chose. Je veux dire qu'à plus de 12 nœuds le 7.7 a assez de puissance pour le foil et donc le problème réside peut-être dans le fait que je ne sais pas "le trouver et le gérer". En fait, je me retrouve fatigué au bout de moins d'une heure avec des conséquences désagréables...
La prochaine fois que le vent durera assez longtemps, j'essaierai de raccourcir les lignes de trapèze, d'utiliser un autre trapèze et de placer le pied de mât encore plus en arrière.

 Sujet du message: Re: Went foiling, and....
MessagePosté: 31 Juil 2022, 06:47 
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Inscription: 15 Fév 2006, 15:15
Messages: 1248
Enfin une session avec du bon vent tant en intensité (passée de 8 à 13 nœuds) qu'en durée (3 heures pleines).
Cette fois, j'ai placé le profilé à 127 cm et réduit la longueur des lignes trapézoïdales.

Comme les autres fois, durant la première partie de la session (jusqu'à 10 nœuds) j'ai eu du mal à faire voler mon kit en 7.7. En pratique, j'ai tellement pompé qu'une fois en l'air, très fatigué, j'ai eu du mal à comprendre quoi faire.
Quand j'avais décidé d'arrêter le vent, tout à coup, il s'est mis à collaborer.
Après 15 minutes de repos, je m'offre une nouvelle chance..
Maintenant, le décollage est facile et immédiat. Les bords sont longs et assez constants dans la garniture. Malgré la hauteur et la vitesse (probablement ridicule mais pas habituelle pour moi) maintenant je n'éjecte plus, essayant de gérer (avec des résultats mitigés) les situations.
J'ai enfin réussi à naviguer en utilisant le trapèze aussi, d'autant que cela me tient dans une grande agitation !
J'ai remarqué que je voulais des sangles plus externes et avec un empattement légèrement plus petit (changements à venir).

A cette occasion je vous demande :

- quand le vent est entre 8 et 12/13 nœuds est-ce qu'une aile plus grosse et/ou 91+ grosse voile serait mieux ?

- si à la place d'une aile fin j'utilisais une aile Foil de 8 m2, qu'est-ce qui changerait en termes de gestion de vol et de plage d'utilisation ?

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